Wrap Around Bandage DIY Microwave Heating Pad

11 Jan


This large band-aid microwaveable heating pad measures 20″ x  6″ when finished but could be scaled down if you’re not quite that achy.

The different compartments make it hug curves which means well-distributed warmth for achy shoulders and backs.

DIY Felt microwave heating pad warms.

It’s at this point I suddenly realize that it is impossible to take a picture of one’s own back or hips whilst laying on one’s stomach.

And believe it or not there aren’t a ton of people willing to let you take a picture of their backsides!

Hence the body pillow.

full back heating pad

You can also lay it down your spine to sooth the entire back, or drape it over your shoulders.

Unfortunately shooting any of the above mentioned areas on myself proved impossible.

I was able to take a picture of my knee and it was only as I was editing that I realized with horror that my pants are the same color as the body pillow!

Which hopefully did not mislead you into thinking  that I am a 50 foot tall giant!

Because I am not.

heating pad for perfect for knees

You will need:

1/4 yard beige felt (Peanut Butter- From American Felt and Craft)

Matching thread

Sewing Machine

1/2 lb of rice

Templates (at bottom of post)

Cut out 20 heart shapes and 2 of the bandage and center shapes. Keep in mind that the bandage template needs to be cut on a fold.

Pin the center shape to each of the bandage sides.

felt hearts

Using a running stitch and matching thread sew five hearts on each side of bandage piece, repeat with second side.


Stack finished pieces together and using your sewing machine sew along  sides and bottom, shown in orange.


Open up the compartments and fill each with a third of the rice.



Sew top closed.



To warm simply fold it up and put into the microwave for around 3 minutes, you’ll be surprised how long it will hold in the warmth.

backbandage centerandheart

Keep warm out there!


Online felt supply 140+ colors, wool, wool blend and bamboo felts

diy tutorial to make felt stethoscope

Make a felt Stethoscope for your little doctor.

One Response to “Wrap Around Bandage DIY Microwave Heating Pad”

  1. zeynepharikalardiyarinda March 1, 2013 at 12:31 am #

    LOVE the idea,so cute!

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